Saturday, April 15, 2017

Easter Sunday - The Resurrection of the Lord

Mary Magdalene and her friends, having seen the angel who told them Jesus was alive and that they would see Jesus, hurry to tell the others.  Although the angel told them not to be afraid, they were both fearful and overjoyed as they ran to find the disciples.

“And behold, Jesus met them on the way and greeted them.   The angel spoke the truth to them and his word is true for us also.  We too will meet Jesus as we continue on our way and he will greet us.  We know from Scripture that he will never leave us.  Through the Church, his promised presence is manifested in the sacraments, especially the Eucharist.  But the Risen Christ is with us each moment and will listen whenever we turn our minds and hearts to him.

We know from the stories of the Easter appearances that Jesus always asked his disciples to let go of fear and in its place to know his peace.  Peace was his gift to the apostles at the Last Supper and he reminded them of that peace each time he appeared to them after the Resurrection.  That peace, like his presence, is an Easter gift to us as well, since we too are disciples.

And as Peter preached after Pentecost, Jesus gives us pardon from our sins through his name.  We need not fear judgment or condemnation.  We do not have to be afraid that our weakness will cause the Lord to leave us.  Instead, we put our trust in him and in the power of his name and we are forgiven.

The presence, peace, and pardon of Jesus are given to us as gifts from God as we remember and give thanks for the Pascal Mystery.

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